How does Mobiball work?
The expansion of movement of the vertebral segments with mobiball is confirmed by orthopedic specialists!
Internal organ specialists confirm the reduction of tension in the internal organs with mobiball!
Every cell in the body is controlled by nerves. The normal function of these nerves can be mechanically disrupted by restricted movement of the spine. This can result in a wide variety of symptoms that not only affect the spine, but the entire body. Because all the nerve and vascular supplies to the legs and feet come from the lower area of the spine. And the nerve and vascular supply to the head, arms and hands comes from the upper area of the spine.
In simple words:
All cells in the entire body are supplied by the spinal cord and the spinal cord runs in the spine.
The spine is roughly divided into the cervical spine (HWS), lumbar spine (LWS) and thoracic spine (BWS). While the cervical and lumbar spine represent the respective ends of the spine, the thoracic spine is, so to speak, the center of the spine. The mobility of the thoracic spine is a kind of “key” to ensuring that the entire body is free of tension and symptoms.
Will the mobility be in the middle?
When used daily, the cervical and lumbar spine no longer compensate in the wrong direction. The tension in the skeletal muscles and the smooth muscles of the internal organs is reduced. Functional restrictions are avoided and the balance is created automatically. You can find yours under the “Symptom Search” section Enter your individual symptom and find out exactly which vertebrae you can use the Mobiball on.
Basically, there are different classifications of supply routes in the body. The classification affecting the spine is the so-called “segmental care”. Each two vertebrae form a movement segment, the smallest moving unit of the spine. The mobility within one segment is small, but together they ensure the flexibility of the spine. It is therefore of great clinical relevance to keep these smallest mobile units of the spine mobile.
The thoracic vertebrae not only provide significant stabilization, but the majority of the important internal organs are also supplied segmentally from these vertebral areas.
Since the thoracic vertebrae due to their
Connection with the ribs are rather less mobile, is to maintain this small amplitude of movement in the ribs
individual thoracic vertebrae are essential for the entire body to be free of tension and symptoms.