Dr. Med. Thomas Kokenge
Specialist in orthopedics and trauma surgery
Segmental mobility of the spine is essential, not only in the rehabilitation of acute patients, but also in prevention. It is important for athletes to have well-maintained spinal mobility to avoid injuries and perform optimally. In everyday working life, it is important to keep the spine mobile in order to compensate for work-related one-sidedness. In everyday life, too, it is important to make sure that our current lifestyle and habits do not cause our spine to become immobile and stiff.
The therapeutic goal is to lead patients to individual self-management and thus independence as quickly as possible. This requires individualized evaluation, treatment, and education about maintaining spinal health. Experience from the last few decades shows that recurring habits (workplace, lifestyle, technical devices, etc.) sooner or later lead to a return of the symptoms after successful treatment. After years, a recurrent pattern emerged: patients regret having lost the motivation for their self-management because they were symptom-free for a while. The weaker self seems to play a big role here.
Nowadays, it is not difficult to find out via video portals and other sources which exercises need to be carried out or which devices can help to maintain segmental mobility. So it's not a lack of knowledge, but purely a lack of motivation. It is understandable that people are economical and reluctant to leave the "comfort zone", even if they know full well that success lies outside the comfort zone.
Therefore, after recognizing this pattern, it was analyzed how patients can be brought to long-term yet daily mobilization of the spinal segments despite a lack of motivation. This was crucial for the development of MOBIBALL. The analysis first determined which section of the spine is most frequently restricted and therefore dysfunctional. These are overwhelmingly the thoracic vertebrae and the transitions from the thoracic spine to the lumbar and cervical spine. In the second step, we analyzed which directions of movement are most often restricted and therefore dysfunctional. The answer to this question is very clear: extension, followed by rotation.
Our lifestyle, our dependence on technical devices and the many sedentary jobs (taxi drivers, field workers, cashiers, long-term travelers - in cars, trains, planes - train drivers, transport drivers, buggy drivers, crane drivers, etc.) force us to bend our spine several times a day. With a lot of flexion and therefore hardly any extension or rotation, the spine becomes disharmonious and dysfunctional. We often compensate for the lack of mobility in the thoracic spine with the neck and lower back.
The MOBIBALL was developed from empirical experiences, the recognized recurring patterns in these diverse patients as well as from the analysis of the restricted spinal section and the lack of direction of movement. MOBIBALL requires no time or motivation. Once attached to your seat back, be it a car seat, office seat or any other seat, you will automatically mobilize your thoracic spine into extension every day. The MOBIBALL takes you out of your comfort zone (poor posture) every day as soon as you sit down. You feel the pleasant MOBIBALL in your back and intuitively stretch and rotate using this pivot point.
With the MOBIBALL you stretch the thoracic vertebrae and the ribs attached to them and lift your breastbone. You automatically breathe deeper, ventilate your lungs better and therefore with more oxygen. This means your heart doesn't have to pump with a lot of blood pressure or a high pulse to pump enough oxygen into the circulation. At the same time, you take the pressure off your abdominal organs and create space for your main breathing muscle, the diaphragm. With MOBIBALL you not only have a positive effect on the spine, but also on the prevention of your internal organs.